This notebook demonstrates the use of my financial calculations library to determine how a stategy will perform. Assuming that historical data is fairly representative of future data.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pandas_datareader as pdr
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
import sys
import trading_calcs.standard as std_calcs
from datetime import timedelta
import datetime
date1 =
date_earlier = date1+timedelta(days=-60)
date_90_days_ago = date1+timedelta(days=-90)
date_90_days_ago_iso = date_90_days_ago.isoformat()
last_60_days_iso = date_earlier.isoformat()
stock_symbol = 'FSM'
df1 = pdr.get_data_yahoo([stock_symbol],start=last_60_days_iso)
df1 = round(df1,4)
settings_file = "./financial_calcs/optimal_settings_file.json"
st1 = std_calcs.Strategy(stock_symbol, df1, settings_file)
Get the settings from the settings file, this stores the parameters from the previous run.
Uncomment the following to optimize the strategy based on the most current data, and also to update the settings file. The optimize_strategy() method runs the back-testing to see which strategy has the best returns.
Various calculations based on the current strategy.
The best settings gives you a percent return, overbought and oversold and stops.
stops_periods = int(st1.best_settings['stops_periods'])
stops_mult = int(st1.best_settings['stops_mult'])
rsi_periods = int(st1.best_settings['rsi_periods'])
rsi_high = int(st1.best_settings['rsi_high'])
rsi_low = int(st1.best_settings['rsi_low'])
std_calcs.calc_range_position(df1['Close'][stock_symbol].iloc[-1].item(),df1['Low'][stock_symbol].iloc[-1].item(),st1.df_stops, st1.s_rsi, rsi_high, rsi_low)
The following shows a chart with the strategy positions. 1 is buy, 0 is hold, and -1 is sell.
df2 = pd.concat([st1.data_frame['Close'][st1.stock_symbol], st1.df_stops, st1.s_pos], axis=1)
df2.plot(figsize=(12, 9), secondary_y='Position')