from sympy import init_printing, latex
import sympy as sp
u,v = sp.symbols('u,v',positive = True)
Exploring inverse functions. If a function maps a domain to a range, then the inverse of that function maps the range back to the domain. $f(x) = y \Leftrightarrow g(y) = x$
These functions pass the test.
class S0(sp.Function):
def eval(cls, x):
if x.is_Number:
if x.is_zero:
return sp.S.One
elif x is sp.S.One:
return sp.S.Zero
if isinstance(x, S0_inv):
return x.args[0]
class S0_inv(sp.Function):
def eval(cls, x):
if isinstance(x,S0):
return x.args[0]
An interesting example of defining a custom class to implement the differential operator D.